Thursday 27 June 2024

New Mass schedule at St Walburge's, Preston

With effect from Sunday 7th July there will no longer be a TLM at St Thomas of Canterbury & the English Martyrs, Preston as the church will revert to parish administration.

Sunday Masses at St Walburge's will be at 8.30 am and 10.30 am. There will be no 6.30 pm Mass.

During the week there will be only one daily Mass. Please consult the newsletter during summertime for accurate and up-to-date Mass and service times.

Saturday 27 April 2024

Next Saturday in Preston- English Mayters procession

Next Saturday, 4th May, sees the annual English Martyrs pilgrimage.  

Starting with devotions at 10:30 in Saint Walburge’s, a procession to English Martyrs church follows, where a Solemn Mass will be celebrated. 

The distance is around a mile.

Even if you can't go, you can still pray for good weather!

Thursday 25 April 2024

St Benedict's Cultural Centre, Preston

The long-awaited new premises for St Benedict's Cultural Centre (previously known as St Benedict's Academy) on the St Walburge, Preston site is now open. With thanks to Gary & his team for their hard work (we hope to be able to give you some more photos of the classrooms in use in due course).


This means that there will no longer be weekday Masses at
St Thomas of Canterbury & the English Martyrs, although there is no change to the Sunday 9.00 am Mass.

Weekday Masses at St Walburge's are now at 8.30 am (Monday - Saturday) and 12 noon (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday). Sunday Masses at St Walburge's are unchanged at 10.30 am & 6.30 pm.

Thursday 7 March 2024

Event on Friday 9th March at St Walburge's

If you're in the area on Friday night, and find yourself disencumbered, you could do worse that pop along!

Monday 4 September 2023

St Walburge's Three Peaks Challenge



3 great peaks. 
24 miles. 
5,200 feet of ascent. 
12 hours.

This is the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge. It takes in the peaks of Pen-y-Ghent, Whernside and Ingleborough. These hills form part of the Pennines, at the top of the valley of the River Ribble in the Yorkshire Dales National Park.

Miles downstream is the reason a group of young people are undertaking this considerable challenge: St. Walburge’s Shrine Church in Preston, Lancashire. Their aim is to raise funds for the restoration of this iconic, Grade 1 listed landmark.
Read the rest and give your support here

Monday 17 April 2023

English Martyrs Pilgrimage, Preston


This year's pilgrimage to celebrate our English Martyrs will take place on Saturday 13th May. Please note this date, a week later than usual because of the Coronation.


1200                Assemble in St Walburge's church, Weston Street, Preston PR2 2QE

Procession will then walk to English Martyrs church, Garstang Road (A6), Preston PR1 1NA

1300 approx    Mass with devotions & veneration

After Mass there will be some refreshments & social in the English Martyrs hall.    


Thursday 16 February 2023

Report from Preston

 Due to an editorial glitch, the Preston part of the Lancaster report in the latest Mass of Ages did not appear. Here is the text that should have been there!

The Institute of Christ the King's patronal feast at the end of October was celebrated with a full church. The weather was very threatening but the Eucharistic procession went ahead after the 10.30 am Mass and it stayed fine just long enough: as the Blessed Sacrament was carried back inside it started to rain!

Also in October, nine young women were clothed with the habit of the Sisters Adorers of the Royal Heart of Jesus in Naples, bringing the total to 72 sisters; there are now more novices than professed nuns.

Likewise, the Seminary at Gricigliano is very full, mostly with seminarians in their early years. Consequently some of the senior seminarians have been assigned to apostolates for their final year. This is not ideal as it means that they are not there to mentor the new intake but it does mean that the Preston apostolate has had the blessing of having a Deacon three years running. But having so many seminarians is a good problem to have!

The All Saints party for the children was well supported with the children choosing some interesting saints, and the following day, Canon Cristofoli displayed his large collection of relics on the forward altar. The Remembrance Sunday High Mass was as usual celebrated on the War Memorial altar followed by prayers at the catafalque. In Advent around 30 people braved the cold and the early hour to attend the Rorate Caeli Mass. Masses for Christmas took place at midnight on Christmas Eve, 9am, 10.30am and 12 noon with the Canons' private Masses in between. Many people went to more than one Mass.

On New Year's Eve there was Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 11.00 pm to midnight followed by the Te Deum. Before the midday Mass that morning, prayers were offered for the late Pope Benedict XVI and Requiem Masses were celebrated for him on the day of his funeral.

Looking forward to the next quarter, in preparation for Lent there will be 40 Hours Devotion commencing with Vespers on Sunday 19th February at St Walburge's. There will be continual Adoration until Tuesday 21st concluding with 6.00 pm Mass coram Sanctissimo and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Masses for Ash Wednesday, with imposition of ashes, all at St Walburge's, will be at 8.30 am, 12 noon and 6.30 pm.

Please note that all services during Holy Week will take place at St Walburge's, except the 9.00 am Masses on Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday.

Guild Sundays, which resumed in January, will continue on the second and fourth Sundays of each month, with the exception of Easter Sunday.

The traditional English Martyrs pilgrimage, normally on the first Saturday in May, this year coincides with the Coronation. Therefore it has been provisionally moved to the second Saturday. Please check the Institute website or the Facebook page nearer the time to confirm date and timing.